Rebuilding Your Dream After Your Empire Falls Part 2

Bryson Donovan, LLC.
Reginaldo Carmelia
Managing Partner
In a five (5) part series:
 I came out of school and started working for a mortgage service company in Maryland. My thoughts and dreams were focused on building a real estate empire and God placed me in a position to do so.
I began my building of experience by working for a slumlord in Baltimore, Maryland. He honestly taught me everything and I mean everything from repairing drywall to how to keep a tenant happy. He had renter that had been in his properties for twenty (20) years. So, the old man knew what he was talking about and I listened and learned. The one line he would said to me everyday,” Reggie, if you take care of the houses, the houses will take care of you!”. He had a heavy Baltimore accent. It was funny but correct and him being worth about Thirty (30,000,000.00) Million dollars said it all. He is the one who said to me you need to start buying units yourself. So, I left the position and began buying single families and renting them out.
I built up a portfolio in Baltimore City of thirty (30) singles homes and two (2) apartment buildings. I was flying high and then it happened! The crash of 2008 and I was not ready in anyway. I had never imaged this like any of us did but i lost everything!!!
And a famous phase came to me in all its profound impact: 
That was me 1000%; I thought I had it all and know it all!!!I did not know sxi?t!!!
I did not have any reserves in place, no back-up plan and could not get or find any available line of credit!!! So, I was done, No one to talk too, no one that would understand, no one that really cared and like most went into a state of depression…and it took a long time to get out of it. Please remember, that in the hard times you quickly find out who your friends are…
So, with that said, Take a look at who is in your circle of support and trust??? Get that straight it is so important!!
Now, the question; Now do I start over? These are I think the most important points I learned on my process of rebuilding (which I am still doing):
 Rebuild your thoughts and/or mental capacity…if you think the same you will do the same!!Get your circle of support straightBuild a real plan with back-up/reservesBuild a team of people who are (NOT YES PEOPLE) they are individuals who are truly honest with you.And last but most important develop your relationship with God which will strengthen your Faith!!
Take some real time and start to put together notes on the above points and in part 2 we will begin with the change of your thoughts. 
Reginaldo Carmelia

FYI- Remember, it is not always about you!!! Pay it forward…Information and Love!! 

Rebuilding your Dream after your Empire Falls

Part 2

It can be so difficult rebuilding a company but redirecting your life is even hard. This is what I am doing right now….I listened to Bishop TD Jake and he had a sermon that help me start the process. He said and I quote you can change your clothes, your hair, your job, your spouse, your house but if you do not change your mind nothing will change!!!!! 

So, let’s get going!!! Sit down and get the plan written down for your personal life and your business and/or career goals. Now, think hard on them and be honest with yourself what do you love to do and would get up everyday and do it!!! Remember, whatever it is, it is not a job it is your true calling and passion!

Now, build that true team around you the personal circle and the business circle with no yes man types!! Most importantly, this may not be easy for some of you but again the most important thing is to develop your relationship with God!! I can tell you that for me it is a continual work in progress and developing the faith to let him guide me! Like most we want to make things happen but sometimes it gets to a point where you have to let it go and let God. I have to say this you are not going to make it without him period!! EVERYONE feels that present’s in times of stress and strong desire!!! So, do not ever think you don’t need him! 


Part 3-we will start building the business and/or career.


Reginaldo Carmelia

It is not easy, it is hard as hell





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